
Haga-Utsunomiya LRT

Utsunomiya city, Haga town,
Utsunomiya Light Rail Co., Ltd.

  • GK Industrial Design Inc.
  • 公共交通デザイン
  • 電車

Under the Total Design Concept of “Thunder Capital to the Future,” different GK Design Group companies collaborated with the local community on this project.  GK Industrial Design was in charge of the design of the new “LIGHTLINE” car.
The Haga-Utsunomiya LRT, which uses this vehicle, received the Good Design Best 100 and  Good Focus Award for 2023.

Exterior: We embodied “Originality” as the face of the city, “lightning” to highlight the unique local climate, and “innovativity” to drive the futuristic image forward, in the streamlined shape of the vehicle.
Interior: The design motifs are based on the regional climate of Haga and Utsunomiya, while ensuring barrier-free accessibility and universal design.
GK Industrial Design website