
The Venue: Living Design Center OZONE

The Future of Finnish Design /
3F, Park Tower Hall
Introducing the works of 15 leading designers, architects and artists representing today's Finland with theme "the quietness." In "designing the quietness," how have Finnish tradition, emotion, science and technology with rich humanity been reflected in today's Finnish design and visual culture? The consolidation that Finland has nurtured will be expressed through their works and structure of the venue.

Contemporary Finnish design products / 3F, OZONE Plaza
In Finland, both people in general and companies place importance on design. Introducing a design approach of respective fields and latest design as well.
Iittala (design product), Nokia (communication), Mobel (furniture), Vivero (furniture)

The Finnish people and a heritage of material culture /
3F, Park Tower hall, Foyer
Finnish people. How do they live their life? The cultural soil nurturing Finnish design is told by exhibiting Finnish traditional and daily design products and pictures of typical Finnish people with sitting poses that were taken by a photographer Mr. Sami Perttila.

Japan Finland Design Association (Japan)
c/o The Finnish Institute in Japan
3-5-39 Minami Azabu, Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japan 106-8561

c/o GK Graphics Incorporated
telephone : 03-5952-6831 facsimile : 03-5952-6832
e-mail : jfda@gk-design.co.jp
