
Mr. Kiyoharu Fujimoto Retirement Commemorative Lecture
“Another Story of GK” ― the existence of an idea and a thought supported the creative group.

At the retirement of Mr. Kiyoharu Fujimoto, an auditor of GK Design Group, we had his commemorative lecture. Joined GK Industrial Design in 1971, since then Mr. Fujimoto has been active in the realm of implementing promotional movement of design under the late chairman Mr. Ekuan. He also has been participating in the establishment and management of “Japan Institute of Design” and “Forum Douguology”.
He presented the story for us as “Another Story of GK” relating to “GK Story” for that he engaged in the publication. He started his talk with his personal history begin with the original memory of the landscape of the Seto Inland Sea and the episode that happened to make him decide to join GK in his university life.
Mr. Fujimoto will continuously be active as the president of “Forum Douguology”.

→Forum Douguology website